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Guest talk: Security and privacy engineering, Zhendong Ma

Dec 6, 2013, 10 am, SBA Research

Zhendong Ma, Security and privacy engineering – design and build secure and privacy-preserving computer systems

Computer systems are increasingly integrated into our society and creating a parallel cyber space. Consequently, we become more and more dependent and hence vulnerable to the security and privacy threats from that space. Security and privacy engineering aims to design and build secure, privacy-preserving, and dependable computer systems. As two transcendent topics, security and privacy cut across many research areas and technological domains. This talk will give an overview of our research work on developing theories, methodologies, and techniques for designing and building secure and privacy-preserving systems such as vehicular communication systems, industrial control systems, and e-Government information systems. We show how security and privacy engineering provides methods and techniques to solve the problems within the context of several research projects, whether it is to harden legacy systems or to protect emerging technologies.