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Associations & Networks

SBA Research is continuously building networks and contributes to numerous platforms, for example IEEE SMCS Austria, ACM SIGSAC Vienna, IFIP WG 8.4, and ISC2 Chapter Austria. Memberships with other platforms like COST Actions, ESBS Austria, or ECSO facilitate a constant knowledge exchange with experts from academia and industry, both at home and abroad. Young academics – from bachelor to post-doc – are furthered and integrated in existing networks via summer schools (e.g., IPICS) and exchange programs (e.g., ERCIM).

These strong networks form the basis for various core activities – ranging from scientific outreach & knowledge exchange and organizing academic security conferences & security events to forming strong consortia between academia and industry to education & training – thus boosting awareness and assuming social responsibility.


AARIT – Austrian Association for Research in IT
Exchange Program Knowledge Exchange Research
ACM SIGSAC Vienna – Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vienna Chapter
Academic Conferences Research Scientific Outreach
ACstyria Mobilitätscluster
Research Industry Knowledge Exchange
Austrian Standards – AG Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies
Research Standardization Industry Knowledge Exchange
Cyber Security Austria
Awareness Knowledge Exchange Education & Training
DCNA – Disaster Competence Network Austria
Research Awareness Standards & Guidelines Industry Knowledge Exchange
DEXHELPP – Verein Dexhelpp zur Forschungsförderung im Gesundheitssystem
Research Industry Knowledge Exchange
Research Awareness Education Industry Knowledge Exchange
EOSC – European Open Science Cloud, Austrian Chapter
Standards & Guidelines Knowledge Exchange Research
ESBS Austria – Electronics and Software Based Systems Austria (Austria)
Research Joint Projects Industry Knowledge Exchange
IEEE SMCS Austria – IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
Research Scientific Outreach Knowledge Exchange Security Conferences & Events
Knowledge Exchange Awareness
ISC2 Austria Chapter – Verein zur Vernetzung von Informationssicherheitsexpert*innen
Security Conferences & Events Industry Knowledge Exchange
KSÖ – Kompetenzzentrum Sicheres Österreich
Security Conferences & Events Joint Projects Industry Knowledge Exchange
OCG – Austrian Computer Society
Research Academic Security Events Industry Knowledge Exchange
Privacy Officers – Verein österreichischer betrieblicher und behördlicher Datenschutzbeauftragter
Certification Education & Training
RDA-AT – Research Data Alliance Austria
Academic Conferences & Events Knowledge Exchange Standards & Guidelines
VÖSI – Special Interest Group – Safety & Security (Austria)
Industry Research
VÖSI – Special Interest Group – Women in ICT (Austria)
Industry Research


6G-PHYSEC – Cost Action: Physical layer security for trustworthy and resilient 6G systems – CA22168
Scientific Outreach Knowledge Exchange Research
ACA – The Applications of Computer Algebra Working Group
ACM – Association for Computing Machinery
Academic Conferences Research Scientific Outreach
ARTEMIS IA – Industry Association
Research Industry Knowledge Exchange
Automation ML
Standardization Industry Knowledge Exchange
BCI – The Business Continuity Institute
Knowledge Exchange Certification
ECSO – European Cyber Security Organisation
Knowledge Exchange Public - Private - Partnership
ERCIM – European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
Scientific Outreach Knowledge Exchange Exchange Program
ICA – Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications
Knowledge Exchange Research
IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Academic Conferences Knowledge Exchange Research
IEEE Standards Association – Synthetic Data
Standardization Industry Research
IEEE TEMS TC – Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Industry Research
IFIP WG8.4 – International Federation for Information Processing
Academic Conferences & Events Research Scientific Outreach
Institute for Dynamics of Disasters (Greece)
IPICS – Intensive Programme on Information & Communication Security
Summer School Research Education & Training
ISACA – Information Systems Audit and Control Association
Security Conferences & Events Certification Industry Knowledge Exchange
ISC2 – International Information System Security Certification Consortium
Certification Industry Knowledge Exchange
NERO – COST Action: european Network on Extreme fiRe behaviOr – CA22164
Scientific Outreach Knowledge Exchange Research
NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology
Joint Projects Standards & Guidelines
RDA – Research Data Alliance – Data Citation WG
Standards & Guidelines Knowledge Exchange Research
RDA – Research Data Alliance – DMP Common Standards WG
Standards & Guidelines Knowledge Exchange Research