Hollwood-Hacking: A Reality Check – SBA Research at the “Lange Nacht der Forschung”
SBA Research is participating in the “Lange Nacht der Forschung”, the biggest research event in Austria, which takes place for the 6th time this year and is held all over Austria. Venue is the Austrian Computer Society (OCG), 5pm – 11pm. The participation is free of charge.

SBA Research presents: “Hollywood-Hacking: A Reality Check”
Why can the mother ship probably not be infected with a virus? Why will it not be possible for the heroes of the CSI crime series to track an IP address? How can I really protect my data, and how does cryptography work? These and other questions regarding the topic of “Hacking” will be answered in this “Myth-Busters” session of IT security. (more regarding venue and program)