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Cyber Security Lecture given by Mozilla

May 09, 2016
4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Automation Systems Group, SBA Research, and AIT Safety and Security Department are happy to present the “Cyber Security Lecture Series” organizing leading edge talks by international ICT security experts in Austria.

The next lecture will be given by J.C. Jones and Richard Barnes (Mozilla).

Date: Monday 9th May 2016, 16:30 – 18:30
Location: TU Wien, Hauptgebäude, HS 17 Friedrich Hartmann Hörsaal – map

Talk: Let’s Encrypt and Mozilla Security

Let’s Encrypt (J.C. Jones)
You can’t build a secure website without having a certificate, and getting a certificate is one of the hardest parts of setting up a secure website. Mozilla helped start up Let’s Encrypt to make getting a certificate easier and promote the security of the Web. In 16 months, Let’s Encrypt went from an idea to the 3rd largest Certificate Authority on the Web. In this talk, we will discuss the challenges, decisions, and trade-offs that occurred along the way.

J.C. Jones is a security engineer at Mozilla, and spent about a year and a half building out a scalable infrastructure for, and launching, Let’s Encrypt. Prior to Mozilla he co-founded a PKI-based startup in America’s Desert Southwest, where he lives. You can reach him on Twitter as @JamesPugJones.

Mozilla Security (Richard Barnes)
The Web is arguably the single largest platform for applications in the world. Securing a Web browser requires security expertise from across the field, including low-level program internals, network security, language design, and access controls. In this talk, we will discuss some of the critical Web security problems that we are working on at Mozilla, and some of the ways that academics can collaborate with us to help solve these problems.

Richard Barnes is Firefox Security Lead at Mozilla. In that role, he is responsible for ensuring that Firefox protects the security and privacy of its users, and for working with partners across the industry to make the Internet more secure and trustworthy. Before joining Mozilla, he was a Principal Investigator with BBN Technologies, doing research improving the security of the fundamental technologies that drive the Internet.

If you are interested in attending the talk, just come by (no registration needed).

Tieeehis event is hosted by the IEEE CS/SMCS Austria Chapter.