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Events » Conferences

July 2024

ARES 2024

ARES 2024 – 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security Since 2006 the International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) brings  researchers and practitioners in the field of IT security and privacy together and serves as an important platform to exchange, discuss and transfer knowledge. Link For further details check… Read More

Past Events

IEEE Euro S&P 2024
IT-SECX 2023
ARES & CD-MAKE Conference 2023
TMA Conference 2023
sec4dev Free Session – Women in IT – we are here to stay!
sec4dev Free Session – Software Security 101: Secure Coding Basics
sec4dev 2022
ARES & CD-MAKE Conference 2022
LION16 – The 16th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference
IT-S NOW Conference 2022
IEEE Euro S&P Conference 2021
ARES & CD-MAKE Conference 2021 (Remote)
ACA Conference 2021
LION Conference 2021
IWCT Workshop 2021
(Remote) sec4dev 2021
(Remote) ARES & CD-MAKE Conference 2020
sec4dev 2020
ARES & CD-MAKE 2019, organized by SBA
ARES & CD-MAKE 2018, organized by SBA Research
SBA Research co-organizes ROOTS 2017
SBA Research hosts MACIS 2017
SBA Research co-organizes ISWC 2017
Cyber Sicherheit zeigt Zähne – Trends | Regularien | Vorgaben | Entwicklungen 2017+
ARES 2017, organized by SBA Research
RuhrSec 2017 – supported by SBA Research
Android Security Symposium 2017, co-organized by SBA Research
SBA Research hosts CCS 2016
ARES 2016, organized by SBA Research
TRUST 2016, organized by SBA Research
SBA Research hosts QRS 2016
ECRYPT-CSA Workshop on Cryptographic protocols for small devices – supported by SBA Research
EUROCRYPT 2016 – supported by SBA Research
RuhrSec 2016 – supported by SBA Research
SBA Research hosts ESORICS 2015
Android Security Symposium, co-organized by SBA Research
ARES 2015, organized by SBA Research
SBA Research hosts ACM SACMAT 2015
ARES 2014 – organized by SBA Research
DBSec’14 Conference – hosted by SBA Research
AsiaARES 2014 – organized by SBA Research
GI Sicherheit 2014 – Fachtagung von SBA Research veranstaltet