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Guest Talk: Soft Biometrics: Applications in Security, Beauty Estimation and Healthcare

July 07, 2015 , 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Antitza Dantcheva, post-doctoral fellow at the STARS team, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France, gives a guest talk about “Soft Biometrics: Applications in Security, Beauty Estimation and Healthcare”.

Previously, she was a post-doctoral fellow at the Michigan State University and the West Virginia University, USA. She received her PhD in Signal and Image Processing in 2011 from Eurecom / Telecom ParisTech in France. She was the recipient of the Best Presentation Award in ICME 2011, the Best Poster Award in ICB 2013 as well as the Tabula Rasa Spoofing Award in ICB 2013. Her research interests are in soft biometrics for security and commercial applications, where she has worked on retrieval of soft biometrics from images, as well as their corresponding analysis. Further work studies the impact of facial cosmetics on face recognition, and also on the compensation of such an impact. Her latest work studies automated facial emotion recognition for health monitoring applications. She was co-organizer of the ECCV12 workshop “What’s in a Face?” and has served as reviewer for IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TIFS and IEEE TCSVT and many technical program committees.

Short Abstract:
This talk will explore the role of biometric data in providing information that deviates from the traditional realm of identification, and rather involves other personal and statistical characteristics, such as age, gender, ethnicity, gait, body height, facial hair, makeup, anthropometric measures and accessories. These characteristics, commonly referred to as soft biometrics, can be powerful tools in many applications. This talk will offer an overview of such applications, and will discuss different related benefits such as the fast and enrolment free analysis. Finally the talk will highlight some state-of-the-art techniques.

This event is hosted by the Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter.acm_chapter_sym