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Secure 2.0 – FIT-IT Award

We took the second place with the project Secure 2.0 (FIT-IT) in this year’s FIT-IT awards.

Secure 2.0
Secure 2.0 project aims to secure the Information Sharing on social
networks for individuals by proposing an innovative machine learning
technique for analysis of big social data. Web 2.0 has changed the
technological landscape of the Internet computing world today. The shift
from traditional web which is also known as Web 1.0 is forced by the
growing need for more efficient information sharing, collaboration and
business processes. This technological transition to Web 2.0 paradigm
also brings in new security and privacy concerns into existence, which
should protect the whole Rich Internet Application (RIA) components.

The Secure 2.0 project provides foundation components for information
extraction, analysis and visualization of Web 2.0 contents in order to
address the new security and privacy concerns of Web 2.0.

The project was funded by FIT-IT research program, which is an
initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation,
and Technology that focuses on high-quality research in the area of
information and communication technology.

Research lead : Dr. Amin Anjomshoaa