ISIS group investigates the implications of IoT and related technologies on security and privacy and works towards methods to protect and harden systems against attacks. Georg Merzdovnik and his team are also the main driver behind our successful CTF team We_0wn_Y0u, among many other student activities.
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More information about our research can be found at
- AVRS - Emaluating AVR Microcontrollers for Reverse Engineering and Security Testing
- Block Me If You Can: A Large-Scale Study of Tracker-Blocking Tools
- Contactless Side Channel Based Disassembling - A time shift resilient machine learning approach
- Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Threat Detection and Response
- Enhancing Cyber Situational Awareness for Cyber-Physical Systems through Digital Twins
- Form hack to Elaborate Technique - A Survey on Binary Rewriting
- If HTTPS Were Secure, I Wouldn't Need 2FA - End User and Administrator Mental Models of HTTPS
- Implanting Security Features into Resource Constrained Embedded Systems
- On the Usability of Authenticity Checks for Hardware Security Tokens
- Securing the Testing Process for Industrial Automation Software
- Automated Emulation of IoT Device Firmware
- Automated Security Risk Identification Based on Engineering
The Systems & (I)IoT Security Research Group participates in the following research projects:
SBA-K1 (FP2)
SBA Research - K1 (FP2)
Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Threat Detection & Response
Automated Identification of Security Threats and Malicious Activities in the Internet of Things
Automated Device Independent Honeypot Generation of IoT and Industrial IoT Devices
SBA-K1 (FP1)
SBA Research - K1 (FP1)
ISIS consists of experts in the areas of in the areas of Internet of Things, firmware and hardware security, systems security as well as reverse engineering and software analysis.
is researcher at SBA Research and the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Security and Quality Improvement in the Production System Lifecycle (CDL-SQI).
is researcher at SBA Research.
is senior researcher at SBA Research, leads the Systems and (I)IoT Security Research Group and is adjunct lecturer at TU Wien.
is researcher at SBA Research.
The following scientific partners and company partners are / have been working closely together with the Systems & (I)IoT Security Research Group:
The Systems & (I)IoT Security Research Group is also very active in teaching subjects in their domain. At TU Wien ISIS is involved in teaching Attacks and Defenses in Computer Security together with E192 Institute of Logic and Computation.
At the University of Vienna we are involved in teaching and hosting the infrastructure for:
Bachelor | Master | PhD - Thesis Supervision
The ISIS Research Group is supervising Bachelor, Master and PhD theses in the several areas, including:
- Internet of Things (IoT): Security and Privacy
- Reverse Engineering and Software Analysis
- Systems Security
For further information about the topics please check here or visit for an in-detail overview of our research activities and topics.
To contact the team, please reach out to the individual team members or to the team lead Georg Merzdovnik.