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Invited Talk at NII

Edgar Weippl gives an invited talk at NII.

Whenever data is being processed, there are many places where parts of the data are temporarily stored; thus forensic analysis can reveal past activities, create a (partial) timeline and restore deleted data. While this fact is well known for computer forensic and multiple tools to forensically analyze data exist, the systematic analysis of
data sources such as Web 2.0 services and their underlying database systems has only recently begun.

Clearly, database system are bound to leave more extensive traces since they not only store a file but, in addition, need indexes, rollback segments and log files. In this talk I will cover the basics of forensic analysis particularly focusing on database systems.

During the past few years, a huge number of online file storage services have been introduced. While some provide very basic functionality, e.g., uploading and retrieving files by a specific user, more advanced services offer features like shared folders, real-time collaboration, minimization of data transfers or unlimited storage space. In this talk we closely look at Dropbox, in particular the Dropbox client software as well as the transmission protocol, and describe an attack that results in the unauthorized access to files stored with Dropbox. This attack can be used effectively for forensic investigations.