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Bernhard Garn and Dimitris Simos @ NIST

Bernhard Garn and Dimitris Simos visit the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [NIST] during April 4-8, 2019.  The purpose of the visit is to jointly host with NIST researchers (Raghu Kacker, Rick Kuhn) the 3rd SBA/NIST workshop on combinatorial security testing [CST], and to discuss recent research activities of the MaTRIS group of SBA Research [MaTRIS] and the ACTS project team of NIST [ACTS].

[NIST] https://www.nist.gov/

[CST] https://matris.sba-research.org/research/cst/

[MaTRIS] https://matris.sba-research.org/ [ACTS] https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/automated-combinatorial-testing-for-software

The workshop also includes the annual progress meeting of the NIST funded SENTINEL [SENTINEL] project co-led by the MaTRIS group (Dimitris Simos) and University of Texas at Arlington (Jeff Lei), where there is a strong focus on combinatorial methods for testing of IoT systems.

[SENTINEL] https://matris.sba-research.org/projects/#current

The visit has further as it purpose to facilitate research actions between the MaTRIS group and different divisions at NIST on emerging topics of cryptographic combinatorial testing and artificial intelligence testing. The research efforts of SBA and NIST researchers are expected to further strengthen the pivotal role of combinatorial methods in the field of security testing.