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Young computer scientists participated in “Ethical Hacking-Bootcamp” at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

20 hand picked computer science students joined the “Ethical Hacking-Boot-camp” hosted by the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences from September 4-6, 2019. The workshop was organized by the IT Security Hub Austria, SBA Research and the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, represented among others by Mr. FH-Prof. Univ.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ernst Piller, Mr. Reinhard Kugler, MSc. and Mr. Helmut Kaufmann, MSc.

20 students were awarded the “Ethical Hacker Essentials” certificate

The students, who have completed their first year of the new program “Cyber-Security” at the computer science department, were very enthusiastic about the realization of this three-day event. They focused on topics related to network attacks, hacking methods, various weaknesses of the Internet and Internet of Things (IOT). In other words, attack possibilities or security gaps that could affect anyone in everyday life. The above-mentioned IT security challenges were not only dealt with theoretically, but were also tested in various practical exercises. In addition, all participating students were awarded the certificate “Ethical Hacker Essentials” after successfully passing the test.
This interesting boot camp does not only highlight the existing cooperation between the two institutions, but also functioned as an enriching course for the students of the computer science department, who are trained to become experts in IT security and cyber security. The demand for specialists in this field in our digitized society is growing all the time. Many thanks to the organizers for the great organization of this workshop!