Qualification Seminar on Distributed Ledger Technologies – SBA Research among Partners
The “Blockchain” hype of recent years increasingly attracts attention due to the financial aspects of Cryptocurrencies and raises interest in the opportunities offered by the underlying protocols. These technologies, commonly referred to as distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), cover several application areas. The increasing use of DLTs in both large enterprises and SMEs has created a huge need for knowledge and skills for building and operating such systems.
SBA Research and its partners (University of Vienna, RIAT – Institute for Future Cryptoeconomics- and Capacity Blockchain Solutions) will jointly design and hold a qualification seminar on security, privacy and distributed ledger technologies, taking into account relevant ongoing research projects and recent findings in the respective areas.
For more information, check out the project website!

About FFG Qualification Seminars
The initiative R&D Competences for Industry of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) supports measures in companies for the systematic development and qualification of their research and innovation staff and promotes cooperation between companies and tertiary education and research institutions.