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SBA Security Meetup: Type-Driven Domain Design – Security in the Fabric of Your Code

Rewatch our latest Security Meetup video starring Michael Koppmann, information security consultant at SBA Research.


Type-Driven Domain Design – Security in the Fabric of Your Code

Meetup “Type-Driven Domain Design – Security in the Fabric of Your Code”


Michael Koppmann


Types in programming languages protect us from doing mistakes. It depends on the chosen language how strict and often these type checks are performed. One code smell you may have heard of is called “Primitive Obsession.” It occurs when you are relying too much on built-in data types like integers and strings. Eric Evans showed us almost twenty years ago in his book “Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software” how we can successfully encapsulate our business rules in code. In this talk we will see how we can integrate domain logic and security into our types to prevent mistakes and vulnerabilities by design.

Talk language: English

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