Article: “In Wien wird die IT-Sicherheit menschlich gemacht”
Vienna is one of the largest university cities in the German-speaking world. Universities, universities of applied sciences, private universities and several private research institutions form a high concentration of knowledge.
The ViSP was founded to bundle these capacities. The Vienna Cybersecurity and Privacy Research Cluster consists of IT security researchers from AIT, Cybersecurity Austria, ISTA, SBA Research, TU Wien and the University of Vienna. “Together, they work on highly effective and large-scale research projects. Teaching activities in schools and universities will be synchronised and a central contact point for stakeholders will be formed, such as industries, governments and social organisations,” says Matteo Maffei, professor at TU Wien.
SBA Research, which was also formed in 2006 by several educational and research institutions, sees itself as primarily responsible for the latter. “SBA Research is a focal point of IT security research. It acts as an important interface between research and industry by helping companies to transform research results and technologies into marketable products and services. It also offers training, courses and certifications to raise awareness of the importance of IT security and to educate and train experts in this field,” says Edgar Weippl, professor at the University of Vienna.” – says the article of Futurezone published on May, 22nd.

ViSP: In Wien wird die IT-Sicherheit menschlich gemacht (
Edgar Weippl – SBA Research (