On Tuesday, June the 13th, we had our yearly event for partners and friends of SBA.
This year, we placed #IMPACT 2023 under the #motto SBA Research – connecting since 2006.
We celebrated our long-standing relationship with some of the best research and educational institutions in Austria and Germany. For this purpose, we have been able to attract top-class speakers:
The keynote on “Differential Privacy” was held by Monika Henzinger, Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (#ISTA) and Visiting Researcher at the Universität Wien at the Faculty of Computer Science. sc. Maria Christakis, Full Professor at Technische Universität Wien Informatics, gave a talk on “Rigorous Software Engineering”.
Our #LightningTalks provide insights into the work of the research and consulting department of #SBA Research as well as renowned partner institutions such as #AIT, #Danubetech or the Universität der Bundeswehr München.
Thanks everyone for coming!