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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: Highlights

SBA at Troopers conference

Manuel and Sebastian presented our research results on Cloud Security and Smartphone Messengers at Troopers conference in Heidelberg, Germany.

ARES Keynotes

Annie I. Antón and Chenxi Wang are the keynote speakers at this year’s ARES conference.

Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter

The Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter has been chartered by ACM’s Chief Operating Officer on February 13, 2012. SBA Research is strongly involved in this chapter.  … Read More

1st Young Researcher’s Day – 01.03.2012

Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl and Edgar Weippl cordially invite to the 1st Young Researcher’s Day which will take place during the OCG working group „IT security“ on 01/03/2012. The basic idea behind this event is the desire that every Austrian institution that offers a security course or teaching focus, provides their best… Read More

BSidesVienna Public Transport Talk

At BSidesVienna 2012, Manuel Leithner gave a talk on public transport titled “Hackers on a train – Toying with transportation”, detailing equipment and possible flaws in the on-board network infrastructure and ticketing system of WESTbahn.

Stefan Katzenbeisser at 28C3

The key researcher Stefan Katzenbeisser gave a talk at 28C3 (derStandard.at, heise.de, futurezone.at, diePresse.com, reuters.com, telegraph.co.uk, bbc.co.uk)

NII Joint Research Seminar

Our researchers plan future research in cooperation with NII: Dr. N. Sonehara,  Information and Society Research Director at NII and Project Reader at ROIS/TRIC. Dr. Y. Ichifuji, ROIS/TRIC Dr. I. Echizen, Associate Professor at NII. Dr. S. Wohlgemuth, Associate Professor at NII and ROIS/TRIC  … Read More