SBA Research is a research center for Information Security funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.
Sebastian Raubitzek, researcher at SBA Research, published an interesting journal article titled “Quantum-Inspired Kernel Matrices: Exploring Symmetry in Machine Learning“ in Physics Letters A via ScienceDirect by ELSEVIER. This insightful article explores how quantum principles can inspire new approaches… Read More
When (Tax) Law meets Blockchain Technologies: In this book chapter we discuss the current challenges that lawmakers and technologists face when trying to find a common understanding and terminology in the context of Cryptocurrencies. Title In German: Blockchain-Babel: Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung präziser Begrifflichkeiten zwischen Recht und Technik im Kontext… Read More
Im Exemplar des OCG Journals 01/23 durften einige Kolleg:innen der SBA Research mitwirken und ihre Forschung präsentieren. Edgar Weippl schrieb dabei über Österreichs IT-Nachwuchs. “Unbekannte Protokolle testen” hieß der Beitrag von Manuel Leithner. Die ehemalige FEMTech Praktikantin Diana Strauß schrieb während ihrer… Read More
A systematic review of historical and potential applications of fractional derivatives in combination with supervised machine learning. Thus, this article serves to motivate researchers dealing with data-based problems, to be specific machine learning practitioners, to adopt new tools, and enhance their existing approaches. Titel Combining Fractional Derivatives and Supervised Machine… Read More
Matthias Eckhart, researcher at SBA, published the report for the Dagstuhl Seminar 22171 in April 2022. The full report is now online. Title „Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security“ (click to download the pdf) Authors Alvaro Cárdenas Mora, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Edgar Weippl, Matthias Eckhart Report… Read More