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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: Publication

Blockchain-Babel: Challenges in developing precise terminology between law and technology in the context of cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technologies

When (Tax) Law meets Blockchain Technologies: In this book chapter we discuss the current challenges that lawmakers and technologists face when trying to find a common understanding and terminology in the context of Cryptocurrencies. Title In German: Blockchain-Babel: Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung präziser Begrifflichkeiten zwischen Recht und Technik im Kontext… Read More

IT Nachwuchsforschung in Österreich – OCG Journal

Im Exemplar des OCG Journals 01/23 durften einige Kolleg:innen der SBA Research mitwirken und ihre Forschung präsentieren. Edgar Weippl schrieb dabei über Österreichs IT-Nachwuchs. “Unbekannte Protokolle testen” hieß der Beitrag von Manuel Leithner. Die ehemalige FEMTech Praktikantin Diana Strauß schrieb während ihrer… Read More
IT Nachwuchsforschung in Österreich – OCG Journal

Combining Fractional Derivatives and Supervised Machine Learning: A Review 

A systematic review of historical and potential applications of fractional derivatives in combination with supervised machine learning. Thus, this article serves to motivate researchers dealing with data-based problems, to be specific machine learning practitioners, to adopt new tools, and enhance their existing approaches. Titel Combining Fractional Derivatives and Supervised Machine… Read More

Dagstuhl Report: Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security

Matthias Eckhart, researcher at SBA, published the report for the Dagstuhl Seminar 22171 in April 2022. The full report is now online. Title „Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security“ (click to download the pdf) Authors Alvaro Cárdenas Mora, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Edgar Weippl, Matthias Eckhart Report… Read More
Dagstuhl Report: Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security