The first ArGe Digitale Transformation Meeting takes place from March 5 until March 6, 2020 at SBA Research. The topic will be resilience. On the 2nd day, members of the OCG Working Group on Sustainability and Computing will contribute to the discussion during a joint Business Brunch.
The ÖFG Working Group on Digital Transformation: Safety, Safety, Security & Privacy was founded in 2019 by Edgar Weippl and Peter Parycek. At the moment, the Working Group has about 20 members, mainly from academia. The mission of the Working Group is to discuss challenges associated with digital transformation for both, the individual autonomy of people and society in general, from an inter-disciplinary point of view.

Get in Contact
Only members of the ÖFG Working Group and the OCG Working Group can attend the meeting. If you are interested in becoming a member or if you want to find out more about the Working Groups, please see the respective websites or contact Edgar Weippl.