Automation Systems Group, SBA Research, and AIT Safety and Security Department are happy to present the “Cyber Security Lecture Series” organizing leading edge talks by international ICT security experts in Austria.
The next lecture will be given by Temur Kutsia, RISC Johannes Kepler University Linz.
Date: Wednesday 28th September 2016, 11:30 – 12:30
Location: SBA Research, Favoritenstraße 16, 1040 Vienna
Talk: (anti-)unification-based techniques for program analysis
Abstract: Unification and anti-unification are dual methods, studied in computational logic. Given two terms, unification helps to compute their most general common instance, while anti-unification gives their least general generalization. Both techniques have a wide range of applications. Unification is an important computational mechanism for automated reasoning, term rewriting, declarative programming, type inference. Anti-unification has been used in machine learning, program synthesis, reasoning and programming by analogy, etc. In this talk we overview some recent advances in these techniques and discuss their application in program analysis, with the focus on clone detection.
This event is hosted by the IEEE CS/SMCS Austria Chapter.