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(ISC)2 Secure Summit DACH

June 27, 2017 - June 28, 2017
All day

Markus Klemen will hold the keynote speech at the (ISC)² Secure Summit DACH in Zürich.

Employee Loyalty – a Feasible Goal?

Technical safeguards and organizational rules, often based on regulatory requirements, are the two cornerstones of information security, flanked with awareness activities to heighten employees’ capabilities of recognizing malicious intentions.

But what about employees, who willingly and purposely compromise organizations? Some of the most significant data leaks in the past, even in the highest security-conscious environments, were the direct result of intentional behavior, so obviously, this is an aspect in need of closer examination.

In the presentation, the psychology behind employee loyalty and motivation is analyzed and steps towards a higher level of both loyalty and motivation are presented.

For further information please about the summit see here.