SBA Research is part of this year’s (virtual) International Digital Security Forum Vienna (IDSF 20) and will host a session on “Digital Resilience & Complexity”.
Under the motto “Security in times of pandemics and major global events”, the IDSF 2020 is organized as a virtual conference from 02 – 03 December 2020 by the AIT Austrian Institute for Technology and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich – WKO).

Session: Digital Resilience & Complexity
Complex and distributed software systems form the nervous system of our modern society. As a consequence there is no resilient society without resilient software systems. Making software systems resilient is a demanding task as they are dependent on a wide range of techno-social systems and basic infrastructure (such as electricity, water, supply chains). They require skilled experts with a clear understanding what the capabilities of the respective system are supposed to be, how cascade failures can be averted and graceful degradation schemes could look like. This sounds easier than it is, but complex software systems show emergent behaviour which results from a broad range of modules within an organisation (and different responsibilities) and an increasing number of external services.
IDSF dedicates a session panel to this most relevant topic to discuss how to handle complexity and emergent properties of distributed software systems and the consequences for security and resilience of these systems.
Host: Alexander Schatten, SBA Research
Moderator: Martin Szelgrad, Report Verlag
- Alexander Schatten, Senior Researcher at SBA Research
- Andreas Windisch (Team-Lead Research Data Science Know-Center GmbH)
- Lukas Feiler, Partner at Baker & McKenzie Diwok Hermann Petsche Rechtsanwälte LLP & Co KG
Free Registration
Register for free on the IDSF website.
More information
Check out the full program an all details of IDSF 20.