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SBA Research hosts ACM SACMAT 2015

June 01, 2015 - June 03, 2015
All day

The ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2015) will be held in Vienna, Austria at the Vienna University of Technology, from June 1-3, 2015.

SACMAT is the premier forum for the presentation of research results and experience reports on leading edge issues of access control, including models, systems, applications, and theory. The aims of the symposium are to share novel access control solutions that fulfil the needs of heterogeneous applications and environments, and to identify new directions for future research and development. SACMAT provides researchers and practitioners with a unique opportunity to share their perspectives with others interested in the various aspects of access control.

SACMAT 2015 is organized by SBA Research.

Paper submission due: January 20, 2015


General Chair
Edgar Weippl (SBA Research & Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Program Chairs
Adam J. Lee (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Florian Kerschbaum (SAP, Germany)

Call for Papers