Talk: “The Kubernetes Storm Center: leveraging eBPF to create free and opensource threat intelligence for the cloud native ecosystem” by Constanze Rödig.
We will have introduced “the Kubernetes Storm Center” at KubeCon Europe in March ’24, this meetup-talk will be a recap, live-demo, and updates of what happened in the community since then.
The process of threat modelling can seem an abstract art, especially regarding scoring and prioritisation. We show how a non-expert can practically validate threat modelling predictions and quantify the relative risk of different attack vectors. After a general introduction, we propose an extensible method that, based on a given threat model: a) generates a Kubernetes-based environment with embedded trip-wires, enabling the detection of real attacker paths without interference, b) exposes these simulated environments to the wild to observe quantitative threat intelligence in action, and c) informs cost-effective decisions for a defensive team. We discuss caveats, emphasise the critical role of automation in scalability across diverse threat models, and live showcase one quantified attack tree utilising Tetragon. To benefit the Kubernetes ecosystem, this accessible framework can be crowd-sourced into an open source threat intelligence capturing network for risk exposure quantification.
Talk: Getting nothing done?
By: Alexander Schatten
The surprising story of three lifes: 1809-1882, 1896-1987, 1971- How did science and technology change their life? How did we become so incredible productive in science, technology and infrastructure and fall into a deep stagnation later? Where do we go from here?
Join this talk and the followed discussion to broaden your perspective!
Speaker & Details:
Constanze Rödig (Head of the Austrian Open Cloud Community at TU Vienna)
Alexander Schatten (Senior Researcher at SBA Research)
Talk language: English
On-site event only!: Floragasse 7, 1040 Vienna (5. floor)
About the Speakers:
Constanze earned her doctorate at the Albert Einstein Institute in relativistic radiation hydrodynamics. After 8 years as a software architect focussed on reimplementing legacy systems with transparent, performant, scalable and defensible designs,
She returned to academia for an Austrian-wide project that in Jan 2023 founded the “Austrian Open Cloud Community”. She currently works with research groups to provide cloud services to scientists and students.
Alexander Schatten worked for over 10 years at the TU Wien, focusing on software engineering, complex systems and sustainable development. He published more than 40 scientific papers and more than 40 articles in technical magazines and a textbook on Best-Practice-Software-Engineering. He then gained further experience as founding CEO of a startup company and as consultant with Deloitte. Eventually he was CTO of biac/ twinformatics (IT subsidiary of Vienna Insurance Group) for three years. He now wants to resume his research career and contribute his broad expertise to establish sustainable software systems.
Here are the slides to the Talks:
“Getting nothing done?“
“The Kubernetes Storm Center“
17:55: Gathering
18:15: Talk: “The Kubernetes Storm Center“
19:00: Q&A
19:10: Talk:”Getting nothing done?“
19:50: Q&A
20:00: Drinks & Get together
Looking forward to seeing you there!
This event is hosted by Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter and IEEE SMC/CS Austria Chapter.