Wir dürfen sehr herzlich zum SBA Security Meetup am 20.11.2019 einladen!
WebAuthn has been around for some time now, and it has quite some potential to shape the future of authentication. In this Meetup, we’ll explore how it works and walk through a sample implementation. Questions we’ll answer in this Meetup:
– What is WebAuthn?
– How exactly does it work?
– How is WebAuthn better than traditional password authentication?
– How can I implement WebAuthn for my web application?
– Is WebAuthn multi-factor authentication?
– What are the weaknesses and practical pitfalls?
– What about user and public key enumeration?
– Is WebAuthn also usable for computer logins and on smartphones?
– Does it have the potential to superseed password authentication?
18:00: Gathering
18:15: Talk “WebAuthn – The End of the Password As We Know It?” by Thomas Konrad
19:00: Q&A
19:15: Drinks, snacks, discussions, socializing!
hosted by Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter.

Photo by “aspherical element” on Flickr