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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: Highlights

2nd NIST/SBA Workshop on Combinatorial Security Testing

The second joint workshop between NIST and SBA Research on combinatorial security testing was held at SBA Research, Vienna on August 4th, 2016. The scope of the workshop was to strengthen the existing and already high successful cooperation between the Combinatorial Security Testing team of SBA Research and the ACTS… Read More

Adrian Dabrowski @ the “heise Show”

Adrian Dabrowski talking at the “#heiseshow” about the finale of the Cyber Grand Challenge, the world´s first all-machine hacking tournament, which took place at the DefCon 2016 conference. Watch it here: The full article/ show can also be at heise online or YouTube. Read More

This was QRS 2016!

The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability & Security (QRS 2016) was held from 01 – 03 August 2016 in Vienna, Austria, supported by SBA Research. QRS 2016 Team Mayor´s Reception Mayor´s Reception Mayor´s Reception… Read More

Combinatorial Security Testing Tutorial @ QRS2016

Dimitris Simos (SBA Research), Rick Kuhn (NIST), Jeff Yu Lei (University of Texas at Arlington) and Raghu Kacker (NIST) give a tutorial on Combinatorial Security Testing at QRS 2016. The tutorial is comprised of two parts focusing on combinatorial testing methods and their usage to security… Read More

Four papers accepted for the Combinatorial Security Testing Team of SBA Research

The interplay between discrete mathematics and computer science is crucial for the successful deployment of real-world applications but also necessary for the advancement of theoretical approaches and methodologies.  Recently, the combinatorial security testing team of SBA Research has marked significant contributions in this regard: The paper “Algebraic Modelling… Read More

SBA becomes associated partner of the project “SENTER”

The “Strengthening European Network Centres of Excellence in Cybercrime” project is funded by the European Commission under Internal Security Fund-Police 2014-2020 (ISFP). The main goal of the project is to create a single point of Reference for EU national Cybercrime Centres of Excellence and develop further the… Read More

SBA joins European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)

The general objective of the Association is to support all types of initiatives or projects that aim to develop, promote, encourage European cybersecurity. Yesterday, July 5th 2016, the cybersecurity contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP) has been signed at the European Parliament of Strasbourg, in presence of the VP… Read More

Paper accepted @ ESORICS 2016

The paper “The Beauty or The Beast? Attacking Rate Limits of the Xen Hypervisor” by Johanna Ullrich and Edgar Weippl has been accepted for publication at the 21st European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) which takes place from September, 26th-30th, 2016 in… Read More

SBA-K1 has been granted – new research endeavor ahead

We are happy to report that SBA-K1, our main strategic research endeavor, has been granted continued funding for the period 2017-2025 under the FFG COMET (Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies) K1-Centres program line, with an intermediary evaluation in 2021. This funding will allow us to continue our successful joint… Read More

Press conference with Minister of Interior Wolfgang Sobotka, KSÖ and SBA: Security Rockstars

Er hoffe auf “frische und unkonventionelle Herangehensweisen an Cybersicherheitsthemen, sagte Innenminister Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP) am Mittwoch bei einem Pressegespräch in Wien zu dem vom Innenministerium gemeinsam mit dem  Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich (KSÖ) und SBA Research veranstalteten Start-up-Wettbewerb Security Rockstars: “Start-ups stellen andere Überlegungen an, als etablierte Betriebe.” Noch rund zwei… Read More