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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Martin Mulazzani at Purdue University

Martin Mulazzani will work the next months at Purdue University in Lafayette, IN with Prof. Elisa Bertino and Prof. Christina Nita-Rotaru.


We are attending CCS 2010 in Chicago and present a poster and a paper at the AISec Workshop.

ISecLab Blog

The researchers of ISecLab, among them Engin Kirda, just launched a nice blog; http://blog.iseclab.org/ http://twitter.com/iseclaborg/

D-A-CH Security

On Sep 21 and 22, SBA and the Vienna University of Technology host the D-A-CH Security conference. The proceedings have been edited by Peter Schartner and Edgar Weippl (more…)

Edgar Weippl joined the editorial board of Computers & Security (COSE)

Elsevier Advanced Technologies publishes 8 issues of Computers & Security (COSE) annually; the journal began publication in 1981, and is concluding publication of volume 29.  It is the oldest journal in print in the area of computing and information security and privacy.   Beginning in 1983, COSE became the official… Read More

Security in Social Networks

Sep 14, Edgar Weippl presents a summary of SBA’s research on social networks in Zurich (Der Standard)

Wiener Forschungsfest

SBA is part of the Wiener Forschungsfest, an outreach program to make research results accessible to the general public (more…)

Verification, Validation, and Evaluation in Information Security Risk Management

Our article “Verification, Validation, and Evaluation in Information Security Risk Management” (Authors: Stefan Fenz and Andreas Ekelhart) got accepted at IEEE Security & Privacy. Check out the preprint at the IEEE Digital Library. Abstract: Over the last four decades, various information security risk management (ISRM) approaches have emerged. However,… Read More