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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Research Talk: Designing Truthful Mechanisms

May 10, 2011, 10am @ SBA: Designing Truthful Mechanisms Angelina Vidali In this talk I will present my work on many different aspects of one of the most fundamental problems in algorithmic game theory (and more specifically algorithmic mechanism design), the problem of scheduling unrelated machines to… Read More

Leak in Tor for Android (Orbot)

While performing traffic analysis on the current development version of Orbot, the official Android for Tor app, Manuel Leithner (Junior Researcher, SBA Research gGmbH) discovered that certain types of traffic (including VPN, GPS and videos) were not tunnelled through Tor. He subsequently developed a patch that enables full and… Read More

Talk by Daniel S Yeung on “Sensitivity Based Generalization Error for Single and Multiple Classifier Systems with Applications”

Sensitivity Based Generalization Error for Single and Multiple Classifier Systems with Applications Abstract Generalization error model provides a theoretical support for a classifier’s performance in terms of prediction accuracy. However, existing models give very loose error bounds. This explains why classification systems generally rely on experimental validation for their claims… Read More

Martin Mulazzani now works on Trudie

Martin Mulazzani now works on Trudie (TRUDIE – Trust Relationships in the Underground Economy, Sponsor: FIT-IT Trust in IT-Systems 3. Call, Austria)

USENIX Security ’11: Paper accepted

Our paper Dark Clouds on the Horizon: Using Cloud Storage as Attack Vector and Online Slack Space was accepted. Unfortunately we cannot provide a preprint because the affected vendor(s) still need the time to fix some things…… Read More

Gilbert Wondracek joined SBA research as senior researcher

We are happy to have Gilbert Wondracek as a senior researcher on our team. His last two IEEE S&P papers: Gilbert Wondracek, Thorsten Holz, Engin Kirda, and Christopher Kruegel. 2010. A Practical Attack to De-anonymize Social Network Users. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy… Read More

INMOTOS website online

Interdependencies among Critical Infrastructures, both inside the ICT domain and between ICT and other sectors (e.g. Oil&Gas and Transport), are complex to be understood. Critical Infrastructures risks always change due to new threats, interdependencies and possible scenarios. Read More

ADV Seminar on Virtualization

ADV organized a seminar on virtualization at SBA Research. Edgar Weippl gave a presentation on security foundations.