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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: Highlights

Stefan Katzenbeisser at 28C3

The key researcher Stefan Katzenbeisser gave a talk at 28C3 (derStandard.at, heise.de, futurezone.at, diePresse.com, reuters.com, telegraph.co.uk, bbc.co.uk)

NII Joint Research Seminar

Our researchers plan future research in cooperation with NII: Dr. N. Sonehara,  Information and Society Research Director at NII and Project Reader at ROIS/TRIC. Dr. Y. Ichifuji, ROIS/TRIC Dr. I. Echizen, Associate Professor at NII. Dr. S. Wohlgemuth, Associate Professor at NII and ROIS/TRIC  … Read More

Guest lectures: Sonehara, Ichifuji, Echizen & Wohlgemuth

Starting at 3pm Dr. N. Sonehara, “Data-centric Socio-Informatics Supporting Public Policy Decision Making, NII and ROIS/TRIC. Dr. Y. Ichifuji, “Web Data Driven Information Circulation and Its application of Resilience Evaluation”, ROIS/TRIC Dr. I. Echizen, “Multimedia Location Privacy Control Mechanism”, NII Dr. S. Wohlgemuth, “Resilient Social System Design… Read More

Victory at the iCTF 2011

The team of the Technical University of Vienna “We_0wn_Y0u” could achieve victory at the iCTF 2011 under the direction of Adrian Dabrowski. In a very exciting, nine-hour competition against 85 international competing teams, also Martin Mulazzani, Peter Frühwirt and Manuel Leithner… Read More

A1 Austria Cloud: SBA Research confirms server location in Austria

“We have subjected the cloud solution from A1 to an architecture analysis and can confirm that the data in the A1 Austria Cloud are stored only on servers that are operated in Austria,” confirms Markus Klemen, CEO of Secure Business Austria Research. (mehr…)

CCS 2011: The Power of Procrastination

Clemens Kolbitsch recently finished his PhD  supervised by Engin Kirda and Chris Kruegel. Tomorrow, he will present his paper “The Power of Procrastination: Detection and Mitigation of Execution-Stalling Malicious Code” at CCS 2011. Clemens will shortly join our partner company TLLOD.

Manuel Leithner – ORF

Manuel Leithner presented weaknesses of Facebook, WLANs and Smartphones on ORF (youtube).

Japan – Austria Research Workshop

On ARES’ last day, an informal workshop on research collaborations was held. Participants from Japan were Prof. Dr. Ryoichi Sasaki Tokyo Denki University, Prof. Dr. Noboru Sonehara, National Institute of Informatics, Prof. Dr. Isao Echizen, National Institute of Informatics, Dr. Sven Wohlgemuth, National Institute of Informatics.