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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: Highlights

Prof. Maria Damiani visits Secure Business Austria

Prof. Maria Damiani gave a talk on “Spatio-temporal access control: state-of-the-art and open issues”. Abstract In the last few years, a number of spatial and spatio-temporal access control models have been developed in the framework of pervasive computing and location-based services. The distinguishing feature of those models is… Read More

4th ETSI Security Workshop

We are attending the 4th ETSI Security Workshop and present our latest information security risk management research results.

SBA @ Die Zeit

General Manager of SBA Markus Klemen about secure ways to browse the internet. Download » SBA Geschäftsführer Markus Klemen über sicheres Surfen. Download »… Read More

Prof. Lopez-Muñoz – PhD seminar – Malaga

The joint PhD seminar of Prof. Lopez-Muñoz’ research Lab and Secure Business Austria was a great success. A new research cooperation in the area of “Security for Critical Information Infrastructure” and in improvements in malware detections may follow. Das Forschungsseminar… Read More

Große Resonanz am ersten “Tag der Forschungszentren”

Der im Rahmen der “Woche der Informatik 2007” abgehaltene Tag der Forschungszentren erfreute sich einer sehr großen und positiven Resonanz. Die von SBA, ZIT und OCG organisierte Veranstaltung zeigte das Leistungsspektrum der Forschungszentren in laufenden Präsentationen und Podiumsdiskussionen sowie in einer begleitenden Fachausstellung. Der Tag der Forschungszentren begann mit einer… Read More

Anubis: Analyzing Unknown Binaries

SBA in corporation with the Secure Systems Lab, Vienna University of Technology present their new research work work on ad-hoc malware analysis. Anubis allows the user to analyse malware samples or executables. Project Website » SBA in Kooperation mit dem Secure Systems Lab, Vienna… Read More

FIT-IT Prämierung “Höchstleistung bitte!”

An internal committee selected the research project Minesweeper as the best research project in the research track “Trust in IT-systems”. We received a 2.5-year research grant for five researchers. Photos © Fotodienst / Anna Rauchenberger… Read More