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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Tag: Research

SBA @ TMA Conference 2024

Philipp Frenzel, Gabriel Gegenhuber, Florian Holzbauer, Markus Maier and Jakob Rosenblattl – all researchers from the ERIS research group – attended this year`s TMA PhD School and Conference in Dresden. Read More
group of 5 men in a huge yellow hall with pink seats and huge yellow sculptures behind them

Dimitris Simos Receives the ACA-ERA Award

We are thrilled to announce that, Dimitris Simos (Key Researcher, MATRIS lead, and Head of Strategic Research) has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Applications of Computer Algebra Early Researcher Award (ACA-ERA). Recognized as “one of the most dynamic and active researchers” by the award committee,… Read More
Dimitris Simos Receives the ACA-ERA Award

IT Nachwuchsforschung in Österreich – OCG Journal

Im Exemplar des OCG Journals 01/23 durften einige Kolleg:innen der SBA Research mitwirken und ihre Forschung präsentieren. Edgar Weippl schrieb dabei über Österreichs IT-Nachwuchs. “Unbekannte Protokolle testen” hieß der Beitrag von Manuel Leithner. Die ehemalige FEMTech Praktikantin Diana Strauß schrieb während ihrer… Read More
IT Nachwuchsforschung in Österreich – OCG Journal

SBA Research as OWASP SAMM practitioner

SBA Research is now listed as “Practitioner” on the official OWASP SAMM website: https://owaspsamm.org/practitioners As stated on their site, a SAMM practitioner is anyone who provides assessment, roadmap services, or tools based on the whole SAMM model. SBA Research’ Professional Services offers the SSDLC-Gap-Analysis… Read More

Combining Machine Learning and Semantic Web: A Systematic Mapping Study

The systematic mapping study on combining Machine Learning and Semantic Web has been accepted by ACM Computing Surveys. This was an international joint effort of Semantic Web Company (SWC), Vienna University of Technology, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), University of Vienna, SBA Research, University of Mannheim, and Vrije… Read More

Ludwig Kampel at IWCT 2023

Ludwig Kampel is PC member of the 12th International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing which will be held in conjunction with ICST 2023 on April 16th, 2023 in Dublin, Ireland. The workshop welcomes academic research submissions, as well as industrial experience reports. The workshop will… Read More

Webinar: Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs

On November 22, 2022 the Webinar Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs took place. Tomasz Miksa, senior researcher at SBA, held a talk and even organized all speakers and structured the content. This webinar, presented by the RDA DMP Common Standards WG, familiarizes participants with the RDA recommendation… Read More
Webinar: Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs

gAia Projekt mit SBA Research: Vorreiter in der Naturkatastrophenprognose

In einem aktuellen Artikel von APA Science über die Schwierigkeiten bei der Vorhersage von Naturkatastrophen wird das gAia Projekt hervorgehoben. In Zusammenarbeit mit SBA Research und anderen Partnern strebt das Projekt danach, die Genauigkeit der Vorhersagen durch innovative Ansätze und modernste Technologien zu verbessern. Durch die Nutzung von Echtzeitdaten und… Read More