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Edgar Weippl @ (ISC)2 Secure Central Eastern Europe 2015

April 21, 2015
9:00 am - 5:45 pm

The (ISC)2 Secure Central Eastern Europe 2015 Conference deals with the topic “Managing Risk in an Ever Changing Threat Landscape”. The conference takes place on 21st April 2015 at the Óbuda University in Budapest, Hungary.

Edgar Weippl will give a talk about “Research Challenges in Information Security”.

Over the last years, there is an increasing number of descriptive works observing and describing complex phenomena, e.g., the efficiency of different spam campaigns, the distribution of bots, or the likelihood of users to accept false identities as friends in social networks. These studies are characterized by large sets of samples.
Future research will focus on networks and cloud systems; the research methodology will be empirical systems security: (1) passively observing large systems and (2) active probing that stimulates revealing behavior of the Systems.

The event is free of charge for (ISC)2 members.