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Guest talk: “Security challenges in industrial systems”

August 26, 2014
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Dr. Artemios G. Voyiatzis, Associate Researcher, Industrial Systems Institute, “Athena” Research and Innovation Center in ICT, Greece gives a talk about “Security challenges in industrial systems”.

Abstract: Industrial systems and cyber-physical systems (CPS) are becoming interconnected via the Internet, increasing their exposure and attack landscape to malicious persons and organizations. Gaining unauthorized access to such systems may result in physical disasters or even loss of human life. We discuss main research challenges in security for a) Internet-facing industrial control systems (e.g., studying attacker behavior, retrofitting security solutions, and security testing), consumer-facing industrial systems (e.g., anomaly detection in smart metering and payment devices); and, last but not least, human factors of security towards usable security.

acm_chapter_symThis event is hosted by the Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter.