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Women in Privacy & Security Vienna Meetup

June 19, 2023 , 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Women in Privacy & Security Vienna -Expert Talk – Jackie / Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura “Feminist Technoscience”

One of the main goals of STS ist to shed a light on how science and technology are actually done – in concrete sociotechnical practice, with all its human flaws and contingencies. And sometimes it also points out flaws that should be fixed in our technoscientific practices. As is always the case when someone tries to give “neutral” advice, not only those receiving the advice might become sceptical and defensive, but also those with a more critical stance on our collective world-making will demand that technoscience be done “better” – meaning better not only for those profiting most, but for all people affected by all our technoscientific inventions and products.


17:30 Welcome
17:40 Expert Talk & Q&A
19:30 Drinks & Snacks


Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura, going by jackie in her daily life, has backgrounds in computer science with a little bit of IT security sprinkled on top and science & technology studies. Currently working as an open source engineer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, she also tries to engage art students with web based game prototyping and machine learning through courses at the Angewandte. Apart from that she tries to introduce digital innovation master students at the FH Wien to the Python programming language and software engineering practices (struggling to also squeeze in some security and SDLC considerations in the little time we have there) and teaches a course about feminist technoscience studies at the TU Wien – her personal highlight, because so many different people and perspectives come together there. One of her pastimes is hacking gender and technology with and through each other. As a co-facilitator of the Feminist Linux Meetup Vienna she tries to Do-It-Together with women and non binary techno-curious folks.


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MeetUp – Women in Privacy & Security Vienna

We are a Vienna-based community of female students, young academics, allies and advocates, dedicated to bringing talented women together to celebrate and foster their passion and drive for privacy and security.