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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Jan Svab: FPGA-based Computer Vision Embedded Module

The presentation firstly covers the basics properties of image local feature extraction algorithms. Then a little bit closer description of algorithm selected for the implementation – SURF – and the platform – FPGA. Then it contains a summary of reasons why a new completely custom solution has been developed. The… Read More

John Tait: Patent Search- a Challenging Problem!

1030 am: Guest talk by John Tait Patent Search – a Challenging Problem! To be valid a patent has to show that it it describes a novel and useful idea. The test of novelty is that at the date of filing there does not exist in the public… Read More

Security in Social Media – Talks at BildungOnline

Managing director Markus Klemen gave two talks at the BildungOnline conference in Hall in Tirol focusing on Security in Social Media. The Austrian Computer Society (OCG) organized the talk. The target audience were teachers, students and parents.

Ivona Brandic, Energy Efficient Clouds

Ivona Brandic, Energy Efficient Clouds May 31, 10am SBA Cloud computing is a promising technology for the realization of large, scalable, and on-demand provisioned computing infrastructures. Currently, many enterprises are adopting this technology to achieve high performance and scalability for their applications while maintaining low cost. Service provisioning… Read More


Im Rahmen von IMPACT 2011 fanden vier interessante Vorträge statt. Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser – TU Darmstadt – Privacy by Design – Technischer Datenschutz für hochsensible Daten Prof. Davide Balzarotti, Ph.D. – EURECOM Sophia Antipolis – G-Free: Defeating Return-Oriented Programming through Gadget-less Binaries Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul –… Read More

Research Talk: Designing Truthful Mechanisms

May 10, 2011, 10am @ SBA: Designing Truthful Mechanisms Angelina Vidali In this talk I will present my work on many different aspects of one of the most fundamental problems in algorithmic game theory (and more specifically algorithmic mechanism design), the problem of scheduling unrelated machines to… Read More

Leak in Tor for Android (Orbot)

While performing traffic analysis on the current development version of Orbot, the official Android for Tor app, Manuel Leithner (Junior Researcher, SBA Research gGmbH) discovered that certain types of traffic (including VPN, GPS and videos) were not tunnelled through Tor. He subsequently developed a patch that enables full and… Read More

Talk by Daniel S Yeung on “Sensitivity Based Generalization Error for Single and Multiple Classifier Systems with Applications”

Sensitivity Based Generalization Error for Single and Multiple Classifier Systems with Applications Abstract Generalization error model provides a theoretical support for a classifier’s performance in terms of prediction accuracy. However, existing models give very loose error bounds. This explains why classification systems generally rely on experimental validation for their claims… Read More