Bridge1 Project SESC – Research Venture on Smart Contracts
The FFG project SESC – Secure Execution of Smart Contracts – focused on research addressing the emerging requirements for supporting the whole lifecycle of smart contract infrastructures that are based on distributed ledger technology. At the time this project started in 2017, many of the characteristics and security guarantees of blockchain technologies themselves were not fully understood; and the scientific analysis and debate over their properties continues to this date.

Within our research we adopted a holistic viewpoint on smart contract security. Our results have proven to be highly relevant to current design issues and goals of state of the art smart contract platforms. The outcomes allow for a better understanding of security implications that arise with the use of smart-contract-based systems and ways to adapt smart contracts to different fields of application while still maintaining a level of security according to requested requirements.
In course of the project, we published fifteen papers, six technical reports (currently under submission or scheduled to be submitted), supervised master and bachelor theses, presented our results at multiple national and international events and were involved in lectures on smart contracts and cryptocurrencies at TU Wien and WU Wien.
Blocks & Chains Bibliography: We are engaged in an extensive and ongoing effort to collect scientific publications and technical documents related to blockchains, distributed ledgers, smart contracts etc. This bibliography can currently be considered the most comprehensive openly accessible curated collection of such literature.
For further information on findings and publications, you may also contact SBA’s project leads Aljosha Judmayer and Nicholas Stifter, or check out the SESC Project Website.