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Behind the Scenes: Exclusive Interview with Kevin Mallinger of SBA Research for CGTN TV

We are thrilled to share an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the recent interview with Kevin Mallinger, researcher at SBA Research, for CGTN TV.

Man gets interviewed sitting on a chair in his office behind him monitors and laptops

This insightful interview dives deep into the major technological shift which forest fire risk assessment has undergone through the use of analytical methods (artificial intelligence, statistical data analysis) and the application of new technologies (high-resolution satellite imagery, large-scale sensor networks, etc.) in recent years.

Kevin Mallinger, team lead of the CORE – Complexity and Resilience Research Group at SBA Research, presents a new web-based prototype to identify high-risk areas of forest fires for effective and spatially extended forest fire monitoring strategies while considering the safety of humans and critical infrastructures nearby.

in the park on a sunny day with lots of trees and tablet with prototype

A Glimpse into the Interview

📺 Interview: CGTN TV
🎤 Interviewee: Kevin Mallinger, AI Expert and Teamlead at SBA Research


Kevin Mallinger