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Adrian Dabrowski

Adrian Dabrowski

was senior researcher at SBA Research.

Research Interests

His research interests covered RFID, cyberphysical security, hardware security and privacy enhancing technologies.


Adrian Dabrowski received his PhD from TU Wien. He participated and later organized the Viennese iCTF team, winning two times. He received the IEEE Austria Diploma Thesis Award and was nominated for the Distinguished Young Alumnus Award of the Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien. His ACSAC 2014 paper won the Best Student Paper Award.

Before that, he made several media appearances concerning security of systems in public use and taught part-time at a technical high school.

He has been speaker at several Computer Chaos Club (CCC) conferences, as well as SIGINT, B-Sides, PrivacyOS and Forum Alpbach. During his PhD, he visited the Echizen Group at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo multiple times.

Currently he is working at the University of California, Irvine.