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Peter Reichl

Peter Reichl

is key researcher at SBA Research and Professor and Head of the research Group Cooperative Systems at the University of Vienna.

Research Interests

Peter’s research interests include:

-Computer Science
-Communication Networks
-Human-Computer Interaction


Peter Reichl has been studying mathematics, physics and philosophy in Munich and Cambridge (UK). After finishing his PhD studies in Computer Science at RWTH Aachen and ETH Zurich, he became Key Researcher at FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria, where he was responsible for the research area “User-centered Interaction and Communication Economics”. Dr. Reichl has published more than 100 journal and conference papers in the areas of telecommunication economics, user perception of telecommunication services and Quality-of-Experience, next generation networks, and future mobile networks and services. Following his habilitation at TU Graz, he became holder of the SISCOM and RBUCE WEST International Research Chairs on “Network-based Information and Communication Ecosystems” (NICE) at Université Européenne de Bretagne/INRIA/Télécom Bretagne in Rennes, France.
In 2011, Peter Reichl was appointed Professor for Networking Technology at Aalto University Helsinki, Finland, and since 2013 he is Full Professor for Computer Science and head of the Research Group “Cooperative Systems (COSY)” at the University of Vienna. Since 2021, he is Key Researcher at SBA Research.