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Peter Kieseberg

Peter Kieseberg

was senior researcher at SBA Research.

Research Interests

His main research interests included various topics in the area of IT-Security: Digital forensics, especially regarding databases, fingerprinting of sensitive data, as well as mobile security. He repeatedly organizes the IWSMA and is an active board member of the IEEE-chapter SMC in Austria.


Peter received a master’s degree in Technical Mathematics in Computer Science from the TU Wien with specializations in cryptography and numerical mathematics. He worked as a consultant in the telecommunication sector for several years before joining SBA Research. Here his main activities were in the area of project management and acquisition, as well as industrial and academic research. He is the Co-Founder of Kibosec, a company targeting the development of services in the area of digital forensics and advanced trainings. He is currently the Head of the Institute of IT Security Research at FH St. Pölten.