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Engin Kirda

Engin Kirda

is key researcher at SBA-K1 (current center), professor at Northeastern University, Boston and director of the Northeastern Information Assurance Institute.

Within SBA-K1 NGC (center under review) he will join the Scientific & Innovation Board.

Research Interests

Engin’s current research interests are in systems, software and network security (with focus on Web security, binary analysis, malware detection). Before that, he was mainly interested in distributed systems, software engineering and software architectures. Engin is also part of the Shellphish hacking group and regularly participates at the DefCon CTF.


Currently, Engin is professor at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Northeastern University in Boston. He is also Director of the Northeastern Information Assurance Institute.

Previously, he was tenured faculty at Institute Eurecom (Graduate School and Research Center) in the French Riviera and before that, faculty at TU Wien where he co-founded the International Secure Systems Lab (iSecLab). The lab has now become international and is distributed over five institutions and geographical locations.