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Automatisierung von Security Tests mit kombinatorischen Methoden

The quality assurance of modern software is carried out manually or incompletely in the area of security testing. The test coverage and the resulting security and stability of the software therefore remain at a low level for long-term operation. Missing qualified personnel and a lack of knowledge in the area of security testing results in vulnerabilities and cost.

This project aims to close the gap by providing participants with a training on security testing and automation techniques. Methods from research, such as combinatorial testing will be used. This improves the test coverage or enables systematic testing in the first place. The domains of this course are web security and automotive systems. The training measure should meet the objectives by:

  • building skills of the company partners through a customized security training,
  • promoting the transfer of knowledge between small and large company partners, and
  • communicating the results of the research through practical exercises.
