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Cryptanalysis of ubiquitous computing systems

The COST Action CRYPTACUS established a network of complementary skills in cryptography, information security, privacy, and embedded systems to address scientific challenges related to Cryptanalysis in Ubiquitous Computing Systems.

Project Outline

Recent technological advances in hardware and software have irrevocably affected the classical picture of computing systems. Today, these no longer consist only of connected servers, but involve a wide range of pervasive and embedded devices, leading to the concept of “ubiquitous computing systems”.

The objective of the Action is to improve and adapt the existent cryptanalysis methodologies and tools to the ubiquitous computing framework. Cryptanalysis, which is the assessment of theoretical and practical cryptographic mechanisms designed to ensure security and privacy, will be implemented along four axes: cryptographic models, cryptanalysis of building blocks, hardware and software security engineering, and security assessment of real-world systems. Researchers have only recently started to focus on the security of ubiquitous computing systems. Despite the critical flaws found, the required highly-specialized skills and the isolation of the involved disciplines are a true barrier for identifying additional issues.

The COST Action CRYPTACUS finished in December 2018.

Further information