Strengthening European Network Centres of Excellence in Cybercrime
The main goal of the project was to create a single point of Reference for EU national Cybercrime Centres of Excellence(CoE) and develop further the Network of national CoE into a well-defined and well-functioning community.

SENTER pulled the national centres of excellence together and created a network of the centres of excellence in the area of cybercrime research, training, and education. Having (i) a close relationship with the national law enforcement agencies, (ii) vast experience in developing training courses related to cybersecurity and cybercrime, and (iii) access to high quality R&D infrastructures, the network is in the best position to provide new training methods/techniques and expertise.
SBA Research was associated partner of SENTER.
Further Information
This project was funded by the European Commission under Internal Security Fund-Police 2014-2020 (ISFP). Reference No HOME/2014/ISFP/AG/7170).