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Digital Pro Bootcamp

Cyber-Resilience in Medical Applications


Modern IT-systems are increasingly complex and interconnected, posing greater risks of faults and breakdowns. Protecting these systems and enhancing their resilience is crucial, especially in critical areas like healthcare.

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While traditional IT security focuses on protection against attacks, cyber-resilience encompasses foreseeing system failures and reacting adaptively. Resilient systems can function under diverse conditions, making them more robust. Despite its importance, cyber-resilience is underrepresented in software development and training. To address this gap, a boot camp training on cyber-resilience, with a focus on healthcare, is developed. It covers resilient design, implementation tools, and is adaptable to other sectors.


The project aims to meet the rising demand for cyber-resilience expertise, particularly in healthcare, by offering a boot camp training. Participants will gain competences in developing and operating resilient IT-systems, including basic IT security concepts, cyber-resilience principles, medical software basics, and risk assessment techniques.


The boot camp training follows accelerated learning principles and is organized into teaching blocks. It integrates knowledge from a previous data science boot camp. The training consists of five phases: Introduction, Deepening Concepts, Resilience by Design, Practical Application, and Testing Methods. Participants engage in practical projects to apply acquired skills. The training concludes with an evaluation phase.
