Managing Industrial Control Systems Security Risks for Cyber Insurance
Industrial control systems ICS are an attractive target for cybercriminals, since attacks against these systems may cause severe physical damages/material damages, resulting in business interruption and loss of profit. Besides financial loss, cyber attacks against ICSs can also harm human health or the environment.

This Dagstuhl seminar aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum to analyze and discuss open questions and current topics of research in this area in order to gain in-depth insights into the security risks of ICSs and the quantification thereof. In this seminar, we will focus on the issues of managing security risks in the context of ICSs with special emphasis on the economic aspects relevant to (re)insurance companies.
The seminar will be held Nov. 07 – Nov. 12, 2021.
- Simon Dejung (SCOR – Zürich, CH)
- Mingyan Liu (University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, US)
- Arndt Lüder (Universität Magdeburg, DE)
- Edgar Weippl (SBA Research, AT)
Further Information
This seminar is supported by Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH.