Unified Threat Intelligence on Targeted Attacks
The center explored novel techniques for threat intelligence on targeted attacks on different layers. Together they form a unified methodology for the detection and mitigation of this new class of threats.

The center aims at developing threat intelligence methodologies that observe the system as a whole and apply formal modeling in conjuncture with the collection, processing, comparison, and analysis of system state information.
Its research topics are:
- Formal methods: Next to extracting various attack indicators, we aim to develop a universal model for describing malicious behavior.
- Behavioral analysis: Our applied work focuses on behavioral analysis of IT system activity and malicious software on API call level.
- Data mining: Anomaly detection and threat response is enabled by data mining procedures utilizing a multitude of algorithms.
- Honeypot & kernel monitoring: We use honeypot and kernel monitoring technology to tempt attackers and learn about APT behavior.
SBA Research leads the External Module Container Technology and Advanced Targeted Attacks of JRC TARGET.
Further Information
- TARGET is a research institution operated by the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.
- Website
- Publications
Related News & Events
TARGET is funded by the Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft (CDG) and a number of industry partners.