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AutoCyberSec – Training

Techniken aus dem Security Testing für die Bedrohungsmodellierung im Bereich Automotive

Project overview

Modern Security Testing and threat modelling meets the Automotive domain. The participants learn about regulatory requirements, get hands-on experience in penetration testing and the rare opportunity to engage in a diverse forum of experts, to discuss current trends, best-practices and defense techniques.


This project aims to enable engineers and technical personnel from the automotive domain in cyber security. The theme “security testing” is used to understand security threats by applying the testing methods and practices to real-world examples. In addition, the proper way to model the risk according to the new standard ISO/SAE 21434 is practiced. SBA Research assembles experts from security testing, modelling, safety experts and members of the ISO/SAE working group, to deliver a comprehensive course. The participants get the opportunity to exchange between the different domains and their challenges. This workshop is delivered in a hands-on format using hacking tools to deliver insights into the hacker’s perspective. This intends to advance a broader spectrum of experience for the engineering team.

Official project lead

SBA Research


This project is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (German: Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft or FFG).